5 Bad Web Design Mistakes That Must Be Avoided
Your web design is a make or break part of your website. It decides your sites online traffic. Spending money building the perfect website with the best font and best content will all go to waste if people don’t actually visit your website. Online visibility must be one of your main goals while designing it. Little mistakes also can cost you a lot. You can get web design services in Dubai who will help you avoid mistakes while designing your optimal website that can be very visible.
Given below are five bad web design mistakes that must be avoided to build the best website
Not making your website mobile-friendly
Nowadays, it is difficult to find people who don’t use smartphones. Every single person has a phone and most people prefer their phones over desktops or laptops to surf the internet.
A mobile-friendly website is a very good investment. Even Google now uses mobile-first indexing, where websites that are mobile-friendly are indexed and ranked first. Therefore, if your website is not mobile-friendly, you may lose out on the opportunity of getting a higher rank on the search engine result page.
Lots of visitors may stumble upon your website by chance, and if it is not optimised for the mobile screen, they will immediately leave. Therefore make sure your website is mobile-friendly. This is not a difficult task. A reputed web design company in Dubai will be able to help you with this.
Low speed for loading page
People are very impatient and the internet has made this worse. When a page loads very slowly, users leave the page quickly.
If your website is loaded with content and design elements, it takes too long to load and users will be gone before you know it. A lot of images and design elements may look really good to you but it makes the page loading time very slow. People expect your page to load within seconds and there is nothing holding them back from leaving your site if it doesn’t load fast enough for them.
People can find anything on the internet. Yours doesn’t necessarily have to be the only site containing information on what the users want. You lose out on a lot of traffic with a slow loading website. Reduce the number of images on your website or optimise them for faster loading. Having a slow loading website can also affect your ranking on the search engine result page.
Having too much or too little going on
Users should know what exactly your website is within 5 seconds of landing on it. Having too much or too little content can be harmful. Companies specialising in website design in Dubai can help you in getting the perfect balance between the two.
Having too many things on the screen can confuse and overwhelm the users and they’ll leave quickly. Having mismatched fonts and colour palette will not look pleasing. Having too much includes content that you have created and all the ads, videos and pop-ups. Users want to get to what they want as quickly as possible. Going through a lot of other things before finally reaching relevant content won’t make them happy. In design remember that less is always more.
But having too little is also not good for your website. Website should contain information to keep the users hooked. Keeping it simple is the best way to go but designers often make the mistake of taking out the essentials also. Websites should be clear and concise. Leaving users to guess what your website is about is also not good.
There are many free tools available on the internet to design your own website. But for your website to rank higher in the search engine result page and get traffic, you might have to take the help of the best web design company in Dubai.
Poor navigation
Make sure your navigation pane is visible and organised. Most of the time, users use the navigation pane to browse your website. It can be very irritating for your users to search for the navigation bar.
Also make sure that you don’t clutter your navigation page with too many options. Having too many options can also be very overwhelming and tiring for your users. Most of the time, the navigation bar will be on the top. Try to not put too much information in the top. Having too much information on top can cover precious content space.
Make sure your navigation options are neatly organised for ease of use. A good point to keep in mind when designing your website is to keep your clickable logo that takes users back to your home page on the top left corner of the screen at all times. This will also make navigation very easy.
Not having a secure website
Having a valid HTTPS certificate is very important nowadays. Hypertext transfer protocol secure, more commonly referred to as HTTPS, is the secure version of hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). HTTP provides a way for web users to interact with websites. HTTPS is the encrypted version of HTTP. HTTPS is now preferred by most users as sensitive data such as log in credentials and bank details can be communicated safely through HTTPS. If it is not secure, users get a prompt on the top of the browser saying the website is not secure. Most users take this very seriously and might even leave your website. A successful website design company in Dubai can help you in clarifying and taking care of this process.

Today, a website is a big part of a business. People get to know about you through your website. Therefore it is very important to approach firms specialising in web designing in Dubai to build the perfect website. The above mentioned mistakes are ones that people often make. Avoid those mistakes and your website will rank higher much faster and you will be able to give the best experience to your customers.
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