Functional Web Design – What’s The Cost?
The pandemic of COVID-19 disrupted the status quo of what our daily routines looked like. Citizens of most countries were driven to restrict themselves to the confines of their homes as governments across the globe resorted to heavy lockdowns and quarantines in a valiant struggle to contain and mitigate the explosive outburst of the virus. While the far-reaching impacts of the global outbreak have been crippling, it has not been without a silver lining. The advent of the pandemic has caused the growth of the digital market to boom at an unprecedented rate, as the closing down of several critical institutions necessitated the transition from in-person to ‘virtual’ of everything: from school and college classes to board and parliamentary meetings. This shift to a more virtually connected world has made it crucial for companies and brands to strengthen their online presence and ensure high visibility for their products. One of the pivotal steps that companies can take in...